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Categorizing all 17 sdgs and understanding how they are interconnected may seem like baking a cake without a recipe. Azote images for stockholm resilience centre stockholm university is based on one of the iconic figures of the centre the wedding cake developed by centre science director carl folke and others.

1 The Sdg Wedding Cake Eat 2016 Download Scientific Diagram

The top layer of wedding cake consists of sdgs deeply related to the ultimate goals.

Sdgs wedding cake model. These sdgs consist of hard wired planetary boundaries. At its heart are the 17 sustainable development goals sdgs which are an urgent call for action by all countries developed and developing in a global partnership. A new way of viewing the sdgs developed by the stockholm resilience centre is through a wedding cake model.

Sdgs wedding cake the sdgs wedding cake developed by the stockholm resilience centre puts the global goals into perspective implying that economy and society are embedded parts of biosphere. This caky model illustrates the fact that ecological limits form basis of the sdgs. The sustainable development goals sdgs are a clear recognition that the protection of the global commons is essential for achieving development ambitions.

Scaling up with a three tiered approach. This hierarchical categorization emphasises that economies and societies are inherently embedded into the biosphere. It implies that economies and societies are seen as embedded parts of the biosphere.

The new illustration download high res version here credit. Luckily the stockholm resilient center developed a system hierarchy for the sdgs also known as the wedding cake model. This visual pictured below implies that economic and social factors are interconnected and embedded within the biosphere.

Ensure that biosphere related sdgs which comprise the bottom layer of the wedding cake diagram below are safeguarded as the earth systems preconditions for development. Figure a a new way of viewing the sdgs. One unexpected outcome for me was coming across thanks paul vare the stockholm resilience centres wedding cake model of the sdgs.

Teebs core area of work feeds directly into target 159 but ultimately making positive contributions to the entire set of sdgs. The 2030 agenda for sustainable development adopted by all united nations member states in 2015 provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future. This model changes our paradigm for development moving away from the current sectorial approach where social economic and ecological development are seen as separate parts.

It is possible to characterize the sdgs using the wedding cake concept figure a developed by the stockholm resilience centre stockholm resilience centre 2016. In this visual you can see that economies are embedded in societies and that societies are embedded in the.

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